Epocrates Online

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I was covering a private hospital's emergency dept (ed) few days back. At 5 am in the morning, a 30ish lady came in, ask for antibiotic for her 'going to come' UTI...

Well, this lady said she had recurrent UTI before, so she knows that when 'it is coming'. At that time, she had no UTI symptoms yet, on examination there was nothing to suggest any infections going on from head to toe. Urine FEME is perfectly normal, but she said she knows she is going to get it soon, so she wants antibiotic coverage before the UTI strike! (she already had all the other popular drugs for symptomatic relief of UTI) Man, at 5am in the morning!

This reminded me of the famous aunty lilian's antibiotic story... :)

While I was explaining to her that she is okay and doesn't have UTI at the moment and sugested her to see the in-house urologist in the morning, I got a called from the ward that a young girl's BP crashing. So I write her her prescription and ask her to wait for me if she needs to clarify about her condition.

By the time I came back resuscitating the young girl in the ward, she had left the ED.


At 2/16/2006 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

could it be because of what she did or allowed herself to be exposed to prior to coming in to the ED......?

but why a private hosp's Ed for antibiotic? could have easily obtained from any GP clinic, with less questions asked.

At 2/16/2006 4:52 PM, Blogger Chen said...

doing locum?
shhh.. :D

At 2/16/2006 10:26 PM, Blogger LT said...

anon: some ppl have the idea that they will see specialist if they come to private hospital. I have no idea.

chen: it's only wrong as violating the general order (GO) it's nothing wrong in the eyes of law (akta perubatan 1971)...


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