Epocrates Online

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Simply rambling...

The other day, Uncle Lim bloged: "...that the national integrity campaign launched by Pak Lah is being used to waste more public funds, making a complete mockery of the national integrity plan with no impact whatsoever in creating a new culture of zero-tolerance for corruption in the public service."

Indeed, can anyone help me to recall any campaign launch by BN which is a real success and have a positive impact on the rakyat?

On another note, today, when I was on my way to work, I saw a policeman carrying a school boy to school on his motorbike without wearing a helmet! How are we expect the road users to obey traffic rules when a policeman himself cannot do the right way?

Probably it's deep in our Malaysian culture that everthing should be taken a tidak apa attitute? Laws are ment to be broken. I don't know, u tell me.


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