Epocrates Online

Friday, November 10, 2006

AACA 2006 - The Art & Science of Anaesthesialogy

Just came back from the 12th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Singapore.

Presented a poster at the conference and the 'kembang moment' was when the editor-in-cheif of Acute Pain invited us to publish the paper in his Journal. Well, it is not a high impact journal like Aesthesia & Analgesia, Anaesthesiology, BJA and Anaesthesia etc because it is only 2nd year in publication. Our own Prof Ramani from UM is one of the associate editor.

I'd think that's the best I get out of this trip to Singapore. On the other hand, SGH is all out to recruit too. They have a booth for recruitment at the congress venu. (No, I didn't plan to leave Malaysia, not yet).

Also met and spoken to Prof Chan, Prof Ramani and A/Prof Lee CY at the conference.


At 11/15/2006 4:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats, LT! What paper did y'all present lah.

At 11/15/2006 10:35 PM, Blogger LT said...

Thanx Bernard. It's our acute pain control for multiple ribs fracture with thorasic paravertibral block thingy.


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