Epocrates Online

Friday, November 04, 2005

One fine day in surgical ward...

One day, I was doing my pre-medication round for the next day surgical elective list. Eavesdropping over 2 housemen's conversation...

New HO: Eh.. the new case BP drop! How ah?

Few months old HO: Err.. Issue DIL!

I don't really know what's going on in the wards nowadays... The next thing ppl do when a patient collapsed would be calling the anest team. They don't seems to willing to learn how to handle emergency anymore...


At 11/06/2005 11:17 PM, Blogger LT said...

All boils down to attitute... Sometimes it's really sick... feeling wanted to quit the service...

At 11/13/2005 11:49 AM, Blogger sbanboy said...

I feel the same way too ... now the other units just pass over to anaes ... hmmm ... when will the atitude change ....


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