Epocrates Online

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Anesthesia can give rise to sex illusion

We heard about this bizzare but real phenomenon, but has anyone experienced it or their patients experienced it locally? I did my litle 'research'...

I asked my patients did they dream when they are under anaesthesia? When they are in light anaesthesia for procedures like ERPOC etc which I use Propofol for induction and sometimes the only agent without inhalation gas as in TIVA.

Most of this patients being NBM (Nil by mouth) since the night before, they'll tell me they dream about eating or foods... but occationally, there will be some of them who gave me a sheepish smile and flushing on their face... That's the end of it, I never push for an answer, but I suspect those are the incidences that they might be experienceing some kind of erotic hallucinations. Luckily there wasn't any complaints or law suits.

Anybody know of an confirmed incidence?

The other well known drug that can cause sexual hallucination is Ketamine which I was told, is quite easily available in the street.

There is even a paper published in PubMed for this associate with used of Propofol.


At 10/09/2005 12:13 AM, Blogger Chen said...

I read about that before but never really bother to go & find out the truth loh ;)

At 10/09/2005 5:26 PM, Blogger 5xmom.com said...

I had...let's see....4 breasts biopsies, one tonsillectomy (right term?), 2 D&Cs and 3 c-sec (including one c-sec where I was awake). That means I had been under G.A. SEVEN times. Each time, I got the same 'dreams'. That I went to Indonesia/China and some other unknown places and being 'called' back by my doc. I guess I missed the fun. :)

At 10/09/2005 10:54 PM, Blogger LT said...

chen: it would be interesting. :>

5xmom: glad to hear from your experience. If ever u'd have any 'fun' dreams, it'd be for ur 2 D&C and 4 Breast Bx.

The tonsillectomy (yeah, it's the right term) and the other 2 C-sec u had under GA will need deeper anaesthesia thus usually won't have the effect i was discussing about.

The other c-sec that u had (awake) would be under Spinal or epidural or combine spinal epidural (not GA), for that you wouldn't have that effect unless ur gasman gave u lots of Domicum after the dilivery.

At 10/16/2005 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had two eye op under GA when I was 12 and 13.

Nothing. Blackout.


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